The light vehicle is due to start its passenger service under test during the second half of 2014, once civil work of five stations of the line and the section connecting them is completed. Commercial operation is scheduled to begin with ten units in March 2015.
These trains comprise a contract worth 251 million reais (about 90 million euros) awarded by the Empresa Metropolitana de Transportes Urbanos de Sao Paulo (São Paulo state urban transport company) to the “Tremvia Santos” consortium formed by Vossloh Spain and the Brazilian firm T’Trans. This contract, awarded in December 2012, involves the supply of 22 Tramlink V4 units.
The 100% low-floor bidirectional seven-section vehicles are 43.7 m long, 2.65 m wide and 3.20 m high. They have a capacity of 408 passengers and can be operated at a speed of up to 70 km/h. Designed at Albuixech plant in Valencia, these trams will have a commercial speed of 25 km/h.