Cookie Consent by Renfe to establish new subsidiary in France
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Renfe to establish new subsidiary in France

Renfe’s Board of Directors has approved the creation of a French subsidiary of ‘Renfe Proyectos Internacionales’ (Renfe International Projects). This subsidiary will be headquartered in Paris and will join the ‘Renfe Viajeros’ (Renfe Passengers) branch, based in Lyon.

Renfe to establish new subsidiary in France


The future subsidiary, to be named ‘Renfe France’, will focus on the search for business, its execution and exploitation. In addition, it will act as the central company that manages Renfe's different projects in the country. Following approval by the Board of Directors, the operator will now submit the proposal to the Ministry of Finance via the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility.

‘Renfe France’ will be a 100%-owned subsidiary of ‘Renfe Proyectos Internacionales SME’. Its implementation ‘responds to the company's need to have a vehicle with its own legal personality that brings together the different international businesses in this market’.

Renfe is currently undertaking different activities in France, bidding for PSO operating contracts and providing direct high-speed services. The company also works in the homologation of AVE S-106 (Talgo Avril) trains, is seeking approval to expand the scope of its safety certificate to enable its commercial services to reach Paris, and plans the development of cross-border services from Spain to the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie.

Since July 2023, the operator has had a branch in Lyon from where it has deployed its AVE (high-speed) services on two lines in this country, Lyon and Marseille, and through which the company is managing the extension of its services to Paris. This ‘Renfe Viajeros’ branch will maintain its activity to expand high-speed operations in France.



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