Cookie Consent by Mecca-Medina high-speed rail exceeds one million passengers during Ramadan
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Mecca-Medina high-speed rail exceeds one million passengers during Ramadan

High-speed rail services between the Saudi cities of Mecca and Medina broke a new record during the month of Ramadan, by carrying 1.09 million passengers, a 17% increase compared to the numbers recorded in 2023.

Mecca-Medina high-speed rail exceeds one million passengers during Ramadan


The consortium operating this line, Haramain High-Speed Railway, which includes participation from Renfe's Saudi branch, implemented a special plan to address the increased demand for the Mecca-Medina high-speed connection during the month of Ramadan. From March 11th to April 13th, 3,163 train services were scheduled, representing a 41% increase over the regular schedule: from 66 to 93 services per day. The average punctuality rate was 97.4%.

This reinforcement of the offer has achieved the highest passenger numbers since services commenced in October 2018. Specifically, the month of March saw over 851,250 passengers. This Ramadan’s figure is 17% higher than that registered during the Ramadan 2023 programme, when it carried 927,000 passengers.

With the goal of becoming the primary means of transportation between the cities holy to Islam, the Saudi high-speed line reinstated night trains during this special program to accommodate the mobility needs following iftar (the daily breaking of the fast after sunset). For this purpose, trains were scheduled to depart at 3:00 am and arrive at 5:25 am.

With the achievement of the latest results, the Haramain High-Speed Railway continues to see growth in its commercial activity. In 2023, it registered 6.97 million passengers, marking its highest annual user count to date. This passenger volume also represented a 90% increase from the 3.67 million in 2022, which was the first complete year following the pandemic.




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