Cookie Consent by Ferrovial develops a methodology to mitigate the effects of climate change on infrastructure
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Ferrovial develops a methodology to mitigate the effects of climate change on infrastructure

Ferrovial, in collaboration with the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria, has developed a system for identifying and assessing the risks posed by severe weather events to each type of infrastructure.

Ferrovial develops a methodology to mitigate the effects of climate change on infrastructure


This methodology, called Adaptare, manages the risks caused by the effects of climate change to all the company’s assets, enabling it to avoid the negative impact that snowfall, floods, storms and droughts could have on its projects during construction, maintenance and operation.

This technology makes it possible to obtain a preliminary estimate of the level of risk associated with different scenarios in the short, medium and long term. This diagnosis, which takes into account factors such as the level of risk, exposure and vulnerability of the infrastructure, facilitates the implementation of adaptation measures that minimize the impact and ensure the sustainability and resilience of the projects.




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