Cookie Consent by The Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay is inaugurated
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The Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay is inaugurated

Recently inaugurated, the Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay, which connects Montevideo and Paso de los Toros through a 265 km rail corridor, will cut travel times down by 50% and will increase the loading capacity in this key transportation axis in Uruguay.

The Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay is inaugurated


The Grupo Vía Central consortium, led by Sacyr Concesiones, developed this rail corridor connecting the city of Paso de los Toros, in central Uruguay, to the port of Montevideo. The project has required an investment of around €915 million.

Grupo Vía Central is made up of Sacyr (40%), two Uruguayan companies, Saceem (27%) and Berkes (6%), and the French firm NGE (27%). The seven locomotives of the trains have been manufactured by Stadler Valencia, while the 120 wagons for pulp transport have been supplied by Talleres Alegría.

The new line has an extension of 265 kilometres and required the laying of 343 kilometres of new tracks, as it has several sections with more than one layout to enable trains to cross.
In addition, 25 stations and passenger stops have been restored, 128 railway bridges have been built, and six trenches have been constructed, including two railway trenches that allow the train to travel underground for almost four kilometres.

The track is essentially a freight track, although it is prepared for the inclusion of passengers, and has a new signalling and railway monitoring system.





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