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First ten units of Renfe’s S106 train model enter commercial service

Renfe has taken possession of its first ten S106 Avril high-speed trains, manufactured by Talgo. With the inclusion of these units into its fleet, the operator has launched the high-speed services in Asturias, expanding them to new destinations in Galicia as well as providing connections with Catalonia and Aragon, Castellon, Valencia, Murcia and ...  more »

Ferrovial develops a methodology to mitigate the effects of climate change on infrastructure

Ferrovial, in collaboration with the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria, has developed a system for identifying and assessing the risks ...  more »

FCH2RAIL hydrogen train completes tests on the Portuguese railway network

The FCH2RAIL European project, which developed a bimodal demonstrator train with hydrogen fuel cells, has successfully completed testing in Portugal. Between 3 and 6 ...  more »

‘Inartrans 4.0’ innovation project on transport infrastructure is launched

The ‘Inartrans 4.0’ innovation project has been launched with the aim of catalyzing the use of artificial intelligence solutions in the transport ...  more »

First 5G+ and Artificial Intelligence solution in Europe for mobility in stations

Adif promotes the digital transformation of its stations and efficient mobility with the first proof of concept in Europe for intelligent station wayfinding. Based on ...  more »

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